Tuesday, November 28, 2017

FGCU Hockey Live Streaming/On Demand Internship

…my name is Richard Snizek and I serve the FGCU Hockey Club as General Manager for both of our teams (D-2 & D-3).  Each year we try to bring a better product to the students, faculty and parents of FGCU.  We've brought our level of play up to be consistent National Championship contenders in each division every year.  The next obvious jump is to get our product out to the public.  We've done this by partnering with a video company, Black Dog Enterprises, Inc., from California.  The CEO of this company is a former club hockey player at San Jose State, and after helping him set up the National Championship Tournament out in San Jose we became fairly good friends...he also realized the need to get the product out to the public and has done so.  It's taken a few years to do this but it's well on it's way.  We, at this point, have everything that is needed to do an adequate job...camera, cables, tripods, computer, sound board, mixer, softwear, headsets, internet connections, etc.  The only thing we're missing is personnel.  It becomes very difficult for only 2 people to run this entire video operation each week for the entire season.  We do realize that they have a life and need personal time also.

Just to give you a couple of quick answers to the questions posed...we would need between 2 and 4 students to assist/run the operation...running a camera and doing play by play.  After they are trained it seems to run smoothly.  Our season is from the end of September through mid-December (Fall Term), and from early January through mid/end-February (Spring Term).  Our typical game schedule is 2 games on both Friday and Saturday (D-3 starts at 6:00PM and ends at about 8:15PM, and D-2 starts at 8:30PM through 11:00PM). 

These students would be groomed to take over the broadcasting of the games so that as someone graduates there are people directly in line to make a seamless transition.  They would also be receiving service learning or internship hours (needed for graduation) for doing this, as well as being acknowledged in our Team Guide as part of the video broadcasting crew which is part of our volunteer group.  We are also open to ideas like pre/post game interviews as well as between period interviews.

Should anyone have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me directly and I'll get you the answers to whatever you may need.


Richard Snizek

General Manager  FGCU Hockey

561-789-3204 (c)




Steve Fraser

Assoc Prof of Finance

Florida Gulf Coast University


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