Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Thread Source, Inc. Marketing Intern

Marketing Intern

We are looking for a marketing intern for our company. As a marketing intern, you will work closely with the graphic design and marketing/sales departments to deliver engaging content that meets the expectations of our customers. You should be extremely creative, dedicated, and possess excellent written and verbal communication skills.

  • Work with the brand team to produce new ideas for company branding, promotional campaigns, and marketing communications.
  • Evaluate trends, assess new data and keep up-to-date with the latest marketing techniques.
  • Work with the sales and marketing team to develop new product line campaigns and implement the campaign on social media
  • Help bring attention to our new location in Naples as well as the original location in Fort Myers through various marketing techniques
  • Assist the graphic design team to reinvigorate our website and social media platforms

 To Apply Contact:

Gina Devlin
Operations Administrator
Direct:  239.600.6486

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